
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Change: Good or Bad?

This is just about my opinion so feel free to put comments on your opinion too.

People change. Even the world change, but the question is how would you know that the person change?
We are surrounded by many and of course only one will stand out and that's how you met your first love. 
At first you were both sweet with each other, showing more love and affection and do special things that you weren't use to do before. It like the world is full of so much hearts and butterflies. As time goes by, of course you were tested ; tested by time, tested by problems and tested by people. Of course you're so much in love and try to fix everything and you both passed it. It's a good attitude to stay like that but remember it's just a start.

Days passed by and now it's more than a year. Believe me or not, any changes will happen. It might be good but worse is if it's a bad one. Sometimes it made me think why people change. You know how they used to do something before, how they sent message on you and how they made you very special. For me too, if you're feeling something change between you and that person, there's really a changes. That's what you feel right? that's how it so. You'll know if a person change to the way they approach you; the way they look at you; the way they value you; but it's really the way you look at it. It will be fine everything go on onto that stage. Just be careful  cause that changes might hurt you a lot.

If i change or if i did change already (lol) , i know it's for the  betterment

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